Category: Art Less Travelled – 藝遊亞洲

Description: 從中國新疆的石頭舞蹈到印度的街頭劇場,一起探索亞洲最具異國藝術風情的隱世藝術。每集會去人跡罕至的地方,聽聽蒙古牧民的田園音樂,走進維吾爾族民間節奏舞蹈,五花八門的文化表演,令人大開眼界。 From the stone beating dance in Xinjiang China to the street theatre of India, let’s take a journey to uncover the hidden gems of some of Asia’s most exotic art forms.Whether it’s pastoral music of the Mongolian herdsman or the rhythmic moves of the Uyghur folk dance, Art Less Travelled will take go off […]
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